Understanding Digital Media Storage in the Cloud

by Laurenzo
The cloud has become a quintessential part of data storage for personal and organizational usage. Many reasons drive cloud migration, with scalability, affordability, and accessibility often leading the charge.
Media is everywhere these days, from ephemeral videos to audio clips and quality images. These may contain copyright considerations, personal information (i.e., visual identity), and other confidential elements that should remain inaccessible by unauthorized parties.
When it comes down to media storage, the cloud provide users with the opportunity to share, transfer, and safeguard their most valuable files. As the workforce becomes increasingly remote and hybrid workspaces continue to replace on-site offices, cloud solutions will become a mainstay in media management strategies.
Media Storage in the Cloud
Media storage in the cloud refers to transferring files (i.e., audio, images, written documents) into a remote server (the cloud). By doing so, users and organizations collaborate with a cloud service provider, offering data storage in return for a subscription fee.
Essentially, media storage in the cloud provides a great deal of convenience for multiple end-users through a reliable solution that syncs in real-time. Efficient media uploads and storage enables improved collaborations, software development, market releases, and increased productivity.
The Advantages of Cloud-based Media Storage
Cloud-based media storage facilitates collaboration among users while offering cybersecurity guardrails that protect sensitive information and deter third-party threats.
Enhanced Data Security
Cybersecurity remains a top concern for many modern users and organizations. On average, employees have access to 11 million files, while only a handful of these files (just 5%) are adequately protected. Malicious parties continue to attack enterprise networks with various methods, such as DDoS, ransomware, and zero-day exploits. Traditional on-premise systems remain highly vulnerable to sophisticated cyber-attacks that lack proper security measures.
You can entrust experienced IT professionals with round-the-clock digital asset management by uploading media storage in the cloud. Additionally, cloud systems usually include encryption and two-factor authentication features that provide your media files with an additional layer of security.
Improved Scalability
Scalability is always a challenge among organizations. With on-premise solutions, scalability usually results in lengthy server maintenance/replacements and costly downtime. The process becomes more counter-productive with the rapid development of digital technology, where you’ll need to upgrade media files with patch updates that quickly outgrow their physical drives.
With media cloud storage, you will no longer face limitations in media file management. You may scale the available space according to your project needs through a simple arrangement with your cloud service provider. Essentially, a cloud solution provides you with a cost-effective storage solution that eliminates the risks of system downtime.
Unmatched Safety
Storing media files in a remote server keeps them protected from immediate environmental concerns that might damage on-site servers. Some possible crises include hardware failure, employee accidents (e.g., deleting files by mistake), and destructive physical conditions (e.g., high temperatures that cause overheating). There’s no need to worry about backup solutions with cloud storage by having files managed by a remote server handled by specialists.
Optimized Accessibility
In the modern digital age, it’s common for organizations and businesses to involve a diverse team of collaborators from across various locations. Additionally, according to an Owl Labs study, 80% of full-time workers expect to work from home at least three times per week.
Unfortunately, on-premise media storage lacks the bandwidth and security to support remote teamwork that connects multiple end-points. Advanced cloud storage solutions (such as those offered by FileSpin) go beyond file management, expediting the collaborative process with features such as ML-based processing, dynamic image transformations, and video transcoding.
According to a report by Gartner, there is an increased need to “provide remote workers with access to high-performing, content-rich, and perform their duties, which largely comes in the form of modernized and cloud-native applications.”
FileSpin - Cloud Media Storage Made Easy
While cloud storage might seem like the golden solution for media file management, an unguided process could lead to complications. For instance, data fidelity issues may arise, where media files are “lost in migration,” leading to corrupt and non-functional programs.
Similarly, you might lack the security tools and expertise to secure cloud user end-points, creating vulnerabilities that malicious parties may readily exploit as they would with on-premise storage. It is crucial to note that many cloud service providers may not include security packages with storage (or apply the most primitive solutions that offer little protection).
A dedicated cloud-based SaaS specialist like FileSpin has the tools, experience, and passion for optimizing your cloud file transfers without guesswork. Regardless of volume, we have the proven capabilities to offer you and your team peace of mind, migrating every media file as planned without data losses or setbacks.
Additionally, FileSpin services are customised according to your project priorities for the best user experience and outcome.
We will elevate your media storage processes to fulfill the most challenging demands, from managing APIs to dynamic image resizing, handling image and video transformations, and continuous content delivery using our high-performance Content Delivery Network.